Launching and selling your products internationally can sometimes be quite scary. Most aren’t sure where to start, who to contact, what is legal and how to navigate the different tax rules and laws.
Having launched our own UK e-commerce business in the US and Europe, we went through a whole lot of unnecessary pain and expense. However, from that experience, we gained a wealth of knowledge, wrapped it into a fool proof guide and offered it to other businesses wanting to launch internationally and it has worked successfully for nearly 100 clients and counting!
The best part!? We offer this whole consultancy service FREE OF CHARGE and every part is done face-to-face/video calls for your confidence and complete peace of mind.
Also to help reduce any unnecessary pressure on your business and cashflow, there aren’t any minimum order volumes you need to be hitting for us to help you, it could be as little as 1 order per week. With that in mind the same applies to stock holding, you can send 1 small box or 10 container loads of stock. The point is to help you launch, test the market and grow organically to bring additional revenue into your business and enjoy the benefits, rather than be a drain and throw huge sums of money/investment into something you can’t necessarily predict. You can start small and grow or go all in, whichever suits you, your business, your cashflow and time allowances.